

Investigate current larger federated learning projects’ datasets.

motivated by both image classification and language modeling tasks,


2000 models, presented CIFAR10; a large language modeling task

intial study: three model families on two datasets;

1) MNIST 2NN:A simple multilayer-perceptron with 2-hidden layers with 200 units each using ReLu activations (199,210 total parameters), which we refer to as the MNIST 2NN.

2) A CNN with two 5x5 convolution layers (the first with 32 channels, the second with 64, each followed with 2x2 max pooling), a fully connected layer with 512 units and ReLu activation, and a final softmax output layer (1,663,370 total parameters).

FL paper

Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data


two ways of partitioning the MNIST data over clients:

IID, where the data is shuffled, and then partitioned into 100 clients each receiving 600 examples,

Non-IID, where we first sort the data by digit label, divide it into 200 shards of size 300, and assign each of 100 clients 2 shards. most client will only have example of two digits;

Balanced, we performed additional experiments on unbalanced versions of these datasets, and found them to in fact be slightly easier for FedAvg.

Table 1: Effect of the client fraction C on the MNIST 2NN with E = 1 and CNN with E = 5. Note C = 0.0 corre- sponds to one client per round; since we use 100 clients for the MNIST data, the rows correspond to 1, 10 20, 50, and 100 clients. Each table entry gives the number of rounds of communication necessary to achieve a test-set accuracy of 97% for the 2NN and 99% for the CNN, along with the speedup relative to the C = 0 baseline. Five runs with the large batch size did not reach the target accuracy in the allowed time.


language modeling task

The Complete Works ofWilliam Shakespeare: William Shakespeare. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Publically available at https: //www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/100.


《A Berkeley View of Systems Challenges for AI》

Berkeley: Shared learning on confidential data


“联邦迁移学习”新方法和它打造的开源“联邦学习”框架FATE(Federated AI Technology Enabler)


Secure Federated Transfer Learning:

1) NUS-WIDE data set ([seng Chua et al. 2009] seng Chua, T.; Tang, J.; Hong, R.; Li,Nus-wide: A real-world web image database from national university of singapore. In CIVR)–由Flickr图像的数百个低级特征以及它们的关联标签和地面实况标签组成。

2) Kaggle’s Default-of-Credit-Card-Clients ([Kaggle ] Kaggle. Default of credit card clients dataset:https://www.kaggle.com/uciml/default-of-credit- card-clients-dataset.–包括重叠样本的数量,隐藏的共同表示的维度和特征的数量

SecureBoost: A Lossless Federated Learning Framework

1) Credit: https://www.kaggle.com/c/GiveMeSomeCredit/data – 它涉及分类用户是否会遭受严重财务问题的问题。它包含总共150000个实例和10个属性。

2) https://www.kaggle.com/uciml/default-of-credit-card-clients-dataset



Boston Housing and Pima Indian Diabetes datasets: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/support/diabetes

Vincent Sigillito. Pima indian diabetes dataset. Obtained from UCI, 1990. https://www.kaggle.com/kumargh/pimaindiansdiabetescsv


Federated Learning Of Out-Of-Vocabulary Words

the public Reddit dataset: Rami Al-Rfou, Marc Pickett, Javier Snaider, Yun- hsuan Sung, Brian Strope, and Ray Kurzweil. 2016. Conversational contextual cues: The case of person- alization and history for response ranking. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.00372.; https://bigquery.cloud.google.com/

Applied Federated Learning: Improving Google Keyboard Query Suggestions



BraTS 2018 training dataset [6-9]:

1) the actual BraTS distribution, i.e. the real-world data distribution, and 2) simulated distributions of 4 to 32 institutions, in steps of powers of two.









Healthcare;分析病患计费记录来发现欺诈报销或者计费案例; Smart Grid; Genomics;


Reducing leakage in distributed deep learning for sensitive health data

Some example classes from images of colorectal histology dataset

https://www.kaggle.com/kmader/colorectal-histology-mnist and mnist

Split learning for health: Distributed deep learning without sharing raw patient data

CIFAR 10 and CIFAR 100 datasets

Private federated learning on vertically partitioned data via entity resolution and additively homomorphic encryption





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